The luxurious life of a little black cat named Eclair.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Sumbudee pleez xplayn to me an my ladee whair to uplode my pitchur for the Holloween Kontest! My ladee sayz she red all the instrukshuns 3 or 4 tymz but cant figgur owt whair to post my pitchur!
I think I'll post it heer for now. My ladee mayd it all fancee using Fotoshop. Unfoortoonitlee I did not like pozin for my pitchur, I am still not too crazee abowt waring cloze.
Glad to meet you Eclair! You've got one GREAT costume. Sorry we didn't see your blog until after the contest closed or we woulda voted for you--Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie
They say I am part siamese but in truth no one knows for sure. I was rescued and given my forever home on June 27th, 2006 and I love it here. My foodlady is the best...she feeds me yummy things and buys me toys and she helps me blog. I have met so many great cats by blogging and its all because of my best frend Skeezix!
**]]Eclair passed to the Rainbow Bridge on Nov 23, 2007 after losing her battle with FeLV. She is greatly mourned and will be missed forever because she will always been in our hearts. We love you so much Eclair..til we meet again, play in the sunshine, happy and healthy again.[[**
Hi, Eclair -- I see yoo got yer entrey posted okay: yay! Yer a very byootiful witch!
Yer soooo scarie! Yoo and yer lady sure know how to make the costuum scary yet nice luking. Way to go!!
Obviously you are very good with computers (unlike the people, I find they don't know too much).
I LOVE your costume!
Glad to meet you Eclair! You've got one GREAT costume. Sorry we didn't see your blog until after the contest closed or we woulda voted for you--Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie
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