Friday, November 24, 2006

Midnite Munday

I miss the summer sunshine and opin windoze....

My ladee has an ideeya fur a kontest .... she noes not evrywun is an artist like hur but she noes evrywun can be creeatif. So she's thinkin abowt a kontest whair yoor beans haf to do sum sort of artistik ixpreshun of yoo, like a drawin, or collaj or a skulpchur...sumthin like that. No fotografs, has too be sumthin yoor bean mayd. Efun if yoo think yoor beans coodnt draw a stik figgur inkooraj them to do sumthin! Ask yoor beans if they wood like to do sumthin like that an we will kreeate a kontest for it.
This cood be lotz of funs! She'll evfun come up wif sum sort of prize, maybee not as grand as Skeezix's prizes but no wun outduz Skeezix an I'm not gonna try!


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Eclair, our mom doesn't think she's very creative, but we think that she could come up with something. How would she show it--take a picture and post it on the blog?

Eclair said...

Hi Jake an Bathsheba!

Yes, my ladee sayd if sumone duz a drawin and duznt haf a scannur then they cood tayk a pitchur an post that. Obveeuslee if yoo do sumthin 3 deemenshunal yood haf to tayk a pitchur to entur it in the kontest.
Win I post all the deetales I will problee do it kinda like Skeezix...mayk a blog just for the kontest so all the entrees can be in wun place.

My ladee sayz that evrybodee can be creeatif in sum way. An no wun heer is gunna laff at yer entree.

Lux said...

Even though my mom doesn't think she's very talented, she does have these "urjes," as Skeezix would put it. She'd like to *try!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

It duesnt mattur what the prizes are...we'd luv to be part of yer contest...owr lady is a bad drawur but we culd help hur out!!

Eclair said...

Yay! It looks like thair iz enuff intrest so I will tell my ladee to get things reddy. Stay tooned!