Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sum pitchurs

I like it win my foodladee playz wif me!

I like to play wif my feathur an tincil wand.

Heer is a pitchur of a perty pond in the fawl. Itz like livin in a poestkard heer, sayz my foodladee.

Heer is a nice pitchur that my foodladee took of a playce she likes to go, itz called Burr Pond.


LZ said...

You are a very cute kitty! I found your blog through Skeezix's page. He and I have lots in commong (like our huge ears). Glad to meet you! Oh, and my brother Latte has a blog too, check us out if you want to.

Skeezix the Cat said...

I luvved yer pikchers, Eclair, and I espeshully love the PINK color on yer blog. And oh yeah, I have a fether tinsel wand EKZAKTLY LIKE YERS ixcept mine is red. I cood play with mine 24 howrs a day if I didn't have to nap and blog and eet.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Im not trying to flurt with yoo or anything but yoo have such a cute lil body. Yer paws and yer tail are soooo much bigger than yer body. -Cheeto

Do yoo have a berd on the top of yer tincil wand? Thats so cul...Im goin to tell owr lady to get us one of those berds on a stick thingies yoo have! -Rosie